Mentoring Skills Training Course

Our Mentoring Skills training course is only available as an in-house course. We can deliver the course as a face to face course and a live virtual online course in-house just for your business.

One Day Course | Delivered Just for Your Organisation | Delivered In-Person or Online

Mentoring Skills Course – The Details

Flick through the tabs below to see all the details about our mentoring skills training course.

Course Highlights

Here’s some quick information about our mentoring skills course:

  • Delivered anywhere in the UK as an in-house course
  • Can also be delivered online just for your organisation
  • We work with you to make the course match your needs more closely

Course Aim

This Mentoring Skills training course will provide you with information and tips for developing and managing the mentor/mentee relationship. As organisations look for different ways to develop the skills of their people, mentoring is becoming a much used method and this workshop focuses on the skills and approaches necessary to become an effective mentor.

Course Objectives

By attending this Mentoring Skills Training Course you will:

  • Have defined mentoring and coaching and how to use these skills in a mentoring relationship
  • Know the benefits of mentoring to all parties concerned
  • Be able to demonstrate use of appropriate language in mentoring
  • Have learnt/revisited and practised a coaching model
  • Have considered issues of confidentiality in a mentoring relationship

Course Content

Here’s what we cover in our mentoring skills training course:

What is Mentoring?

  • Defining what is meant by mentoring
  • The differences between mentoring, coaching and training
  • What are the benefits of mentoring?

Mentoring Skills

  • What are the skills required to be an effective mentor?
  • How can you develop these skills?

The Mentoring Relationship

  • Setting up the mentoring relationship
  • Setting expectations
  • The responsibilities of the mentor and the mentee
  • Preparing and holding an effective mentor/mentee meeting

Learning Styles

  • Understanding learning styles to get the best from people
  • How to identify the styles

Questioning and Listening

  • Why effective questioning and listening play a key part
  • Asking effective questions
  • Listening to responses

Skills Practice

  • An opportunity to practice the skills

When you bring this course in-house, the content above can be tweaked and changed to meet the needs of your team.

Download the Course Brochure

Download a copy of our mentoring skills training course brochure below.

Who Should Attend our Mentoring Skills Training Course?

This mentoring skills training course is for anyone who is thinking of becoming or is already a mentor.

If you want to:

  • Know how to build effective mentoring relationships
  • Be able to develop the skills of others and build effective development plans
  • Motivate others to deliver great results
  • Help other people achieve their career and personal goals/li>
  • Set clear strategies for mentoring plans and relationships

Then this mentoring skills course is for you.

The course is suitable for people of all levels and in all roles and industries.

In-House Delivery

A 1 day training course with one of our highly experienced trainers at your location or online. You also get

  • Course materials for each delegate to take away
  • A course certificate
  • Reporting on delegate evaluation
  • Access to MyRevolution Learning to retain access to your materials and stay in touch with your trainer

Have Some Questions?

Here are some of the common questions we get asked about our mentoring skills training course:

Our mentoring skills courses are delivered by our friendly and highly experienced trainers. We live and breathe what we talk about in these sessions as we use most of the tools and techniques ourselves on a daily bases and bring this real-world experience into the session and the examples that we use.

Mentoring is a personal developmental relationship where a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable

While mentoring involves guidance and sharing of wisdom based on personal experience, coaching is more focused on achieving specific performance goals through instruction and training.

As we only deliver this course as an in-house course, we will work with you to understand who will be attending the course and ensure the course is pitched at the correct level for the attendees and that it looks specifically at your organisation and teams.

Yes. We have lots of articles about mentoring skills in the personal development section of our blog.

Open Online Course

We currently only deliver this mentoring skills course just for your organisation. We can do this in-person at your office or a location of your choice or as a live virtual training course. We can deliver this via Zoom, Teams, Webex or any other platform that you are currently using and comfortable with.

Here are the most recent reviews that have been left for our Mentoring Skills Training Course. If you would like to see more detailed reviews then please get in touch and we can pull some data from our course evaluations together for you.

Get a Quote

Bring this Mentoring Skills training course in-house and train your team together at the same time.

  • Delivered online or in person at your business premises
  • Course content can be tailored to your specific requirements

Complete the form below to get a personalised quote from a member of our team.

Short Contact
Delivery Type
Would they all be attending in the same group or split across smaller groups?