Blog Posts

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Case Study: Customer Service Standards in a Multi-Channel Retail Business

Case Studies
Customer service skills training case study. Here's an overview of a recent piece of customer service consultancy that we carried out for one of our clients. See what the project was, what we did and the results we achieved.

People Are Not Mushrooms – Don’t Keep Them In The Dark

Do you have a communication strategy that serves to keep your team and people in your organisation updated? People don't like to be kept in the dark and, in this post, we look at the impact of not communicating and the benefits of having a more planned approach to communication.

4 Tips for Live Chat Support Best Practice

Customer Service
Here are 4 tips for live chat support best practice. These tips are from our Live Chat Support Training Course. We hope you find this quick read useful.

6 Tips to Increase Your Sales

Sales and Selling
Here are 6 quick tips to help you to increase your sales. These are from our sales skills training course and we hope that you find this quick read useful.

Providing Good Customer Service Doesn’t Have to Cost the Earth

Customer Service
Making changes to the way that you deliver customer service to improve the customer experience doesn't have to cost the earth. This post looks at an example from our customer service skills training course that shows you can make small changes that have a big impact.

The New Normal in Business

The New Normal in Business
Has your business being affected by an economic downturn? This may be because of recession, Brexit or the COVID-19 pandemic. Training budgets tend to get slashed when organisations need to recoup cash - but in the post we look at why investing in training is just as important at this time - if not more important.

How To Get the Most Out of a Training Course

Learning to Learn
How do you get the most out of a training course that you have invested money and time into researching and booking. In this post, we look at some ways to make sure you select the right course and how to get the best from it.

How to Say No

Assertiveness Skills, Attitude and Behaviour
Do you find it hard to say no? It's a word lots of us find it difficult to say and that's because we don't know how to say no correctly. In this post, we provide a simple way for you to say no with confidence and protect more of your time.

Motivating Employees to Learn

Training and Development
How do your employees react when you let them know they are attending a training course? Do they see the value in training and learning? In this post we share some ideas on how to motivate your employees to learn.

How to Make Assertive Decisions

Assertiveness Skills, Attitude and Behaviour, Decision Making
We all need to make decisions but are your decisions assertive decisions? In this post we look at what are assertive decisions and how you can make decisions assertively. This will help ensure you spend your time making the big important decisions in your work and life.