Blog Posts

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How To Be More Positive – The Betari Box Model

Attitude and Behaviour
How to be more positive. It's something that comes up a lot in some of our courses. To help explain how someone can be more positive, we use the Betari box model as a way helping them to understand what impacts on them to make them feel less positive and how to turn this around.

Are You Making These Communication Mistakes?

Lots of people attend our communication skills training course and we find that they make the same mistakes when it comes to effective communication. Here are some of the common mistakes that people make.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Process Management Method

Problem Solving
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) is a step by step process management method used for the continuous improvement of products and processes. It's a useful tool for problem-solving and critical thinking. This post provides an overview of this useful model

Mintzberg’s Management Roles

Leadership, Management Tips
Mintzberg's Management Roles describes the different roles a manager or leader has. A leader will need to do various roles throughout the day and Mintzberg's Management Roles helps to understand what they are.

Management By Wandering Around (MBWA)

Leadership, Management Tips
Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) shows that in order to get the best from people and really understand what is going on in the team, a manager or leader needs to walk around and talk to the team. In this post, we look at how to make Management by Wandering Around work.

Are You Making These Leadership Mistakes?

Leadership, Management Tips
Lots of people attend our Leadership Skills Training Course. Many of them seem to be making the same leadership mistakes. Are you making any of these leadership mistakes? See what the common mistakes are in this post.

Appreciative Inquiry – A Problem Solving Technique

Problem Solving
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a model for analysis, decision-making and creating change within organisations. It's about the search for the best in people or an organisation and a tool we look at in our Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Training Course

The 7 Cs of Communication

The 7 Cs of Communication is a checklist to ensure that your communication is effective. It's a tool we cover in our communication skills training course in much more depth, but we hope you find this brief overview useful.

Time Management Mistakes

Personal Development, Time Management
Many people attend our time management training course and, during that course, we find that many people make the same time management mistakes. Here are some of the common time management mistakes people make.

Time Management – The Pomodoro Technique®

Personal Development, Time Management
The Pomodoro Technique® is a tool that we look at in our time management training course. In this post, we take a brief look at what the Pomodoro Technique® is and how you can use it in your working day to boost productivity and performance.