Blog Posts

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How to Improve Cross Team Working

Communication, Team Development
In this post, we look at what it takes to ensure effective cross teamwork in an organisation. We look at how to ensure teams don't work in silos but look at ways to make sure that teams work efficiently and effectively together.

The Foundations of Leadership

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be an effective leader? With the requirement to have so many different skills and behaviours, it can be really tricky to understand. To help simplify this, we’ve put together a simple model that helps you understand what’s required of an effective leader. We’ve called these the Foundations ... Read more

What Makes a Great Presentation?

Communication, Presentation Skills
What makes a great presentation? In this post, we share some top tips for delivering engaging presentations and ideas to make your presentations more effective and impactful.

Richard Branson’s 10 Rules for Being a Great Leader

Sir Richard Branson has 10 rules of being a great leader that has kept him ahead of the game throughout his career. He shares these in a recent book and we have an overview of them here.

Stakeholder Analysis – The Power/Interest Grid

Building Relationships, Influencing, Project Management
The Power/Interest Grid is a great tool for stakeholder analysis. It allows us to group our stakeholders into categories that will help us to understand how much interaction we need with them and the type of interaction that works.

How to Make and Use a Mind Map®

Presentation Skills, Problem Solving, Taking Notes and Remembering Information
Mind Maps are an incredibly useful tool for note-taking or as reminders of discussion points for meetings, presentations or training courses. In this short post, we look at how to mind map.

Team Management Roles – PAEI Model

The PAEI model highlights four management roles that businesses need to be successful. Management teams become successful when managers and leaders demonstrate all four roles. In this post, we look at the 4 roles from the PAEI model.

Teamwork – Lessons From Geese

Leadership, Team Development
Geese provide an excellent example of great teamwork. In this post, we look at 5 lessons on teamwork that we can learn from geese. We hope you enjoy this quick read.

Effective Time Management Behaviours

Time Management
In our time management course, we raise the idea that effective time management isn't just about having the right tools. A big part of time management is behavioural in that we need to have the right attitude and behaviour. This post looks at why.

Dealing With Non Assertive People

Assertiveness Skills, Communication
A common discussion that comes up in our Assertiveness Skills training course is around dealing with non-assertive people. Those are the people who are either aggressive or passive. In this post, we share some quick tips in how to deal with someone who isn't being assertive.